
Date: 2010-1-23

Location: Jz Club

Time:10:00 PM

Tickets: Ticket Free 免费入场

Musicians: 金佛、夏佳、朱蟒、黄健怡、 白天

Jin Fo, Xia Jia, Zhu Mang,Huang Jian Yi, Mark Bai,

Reservation: 64311075

新年伊始,JZclub特别演出精彩不断,中国爵士钢琴演奏大师们首次同台献艺! 爵士钢琴群英会,聆听大师们跳动指尖自由的音符。中国当代著名爵士钢琴手金佛、夏佳、朱蟒、黄健怡、白天联合呈现。

Beginning of the New Year, amazing Jazz performance in JZ club!

5 Chinese Pianist Heroes show their skill, bring the best Jazz piano show to Shanghai fans. The best of best Chinese jazz pianist Jin Fo, Xia Jia, Zhu Mang, Huang Jian Yi, Mark Bai.



1996年,参加香港“MIDI ASIA”国际音乐节,受到世界各国音乐人士的关注,并接受美国“CNN”的电视专访,在全球播出担任电影《红色恋人》爵士乐部分的编曲及钢琴演奏。1998年此电影获埃及国际电影节大奖。

夏佳于五岁由其母亲启蒙开始练琴,历经中央音乐学员附小、附中完整的科班钢琴专业演奏训练,在中央音乐学院的大学阶段研读指挥专业。尔后又远赴享誉全美的 伊斯特曼音乐学院(Eastman School of Music)深造,主修爵士钢琴演奏。现为中国传媒大学聘请讲师,北京城市大乐队(Beijing City Jazz Orchestra)指挥,“露”电子三重奏(The Dew Electrio)团长,崔健乐队键盘乐手。乃为华人音乐家中罕见的能够演奏古典、爵士、摇滚与流行的全能型钢琴手。




毕业于上海音乐学院钢琴专业。后留校任管弦系的艺术指导老师、钢琴伴奏老师。2003年就读于美国Berklee音乐学院爵士钢琴专业,师从 Paul Schmeling, Ray Santisi, Joann Brackeen, Laszlo Gardony, Joe Lovano。目前他在美国Rutgers大学攻读硕士,师从Stanley Cowell, Victor Lewis, Ralph Bowen, Conrad Herwig,曾在纽约Blue Note 演出。2006年随赵可能性乐队参加蒙特利尔国际爵士节。

“这是经过深思熟虑后创作出的佳作,在他的演奏中无不充满着惊喜。” Bob Mintzer 先生在聆听过白天的音乐后欣然写道。有幸结识并受教于加拿大著名爵士钢琴家和作曲家David Braid先生之后,白天于2005年移居上海。保持创作和学习的同时, 也为忙碌的职业演出生涯揭开了序幕。2007年录制了自己的首张专辑,2008和09年接连亮相两届爵士上海音乐节,2010年初又受邀远赴赫尔辛基与芬 兰爵士音乐家共同录制了颇具北欧特色的新四重奏唱片,并于世博会期间同步发行…一路历练成长为中国当代最优秀的爵士钢琴家和作曲家之一。

Pianist Bio

Jin Fo

He founded the first jazz band “ALAS Jazz Band” in Beijing in 1991, and became China’s first Jazz pianist. He combined Chinese Folk music with jazz. In 1995, he founded the first jazz band to feature Chinese Folk Music: “Tian Chang Jazz Band”, and released his first Jazz CD “Made in China”. In 2000, his band participated in the grand cultural exchange concert held in London.

Xia Jia

Born in Beijing, Xia Jia fell in love with jazz while attending the Central Music Academy, where he majored in conducting. Classical music made him a first class pianist but failed to satisfy him creatively. Jazz, with looser structures and emphasis on improvisation, was his way forward. Xia studied jazz in New York City for three years, playing with the Grammy winning choral group, New York Voices. Still savoring the cultural and artistic ferment of jazz in an international metropolis, he knows full well the importance of musicians from different nationalities jamming together.

Zhu Mang

Zhu Mang is a prestigious pianist in China with professional performance experience in many countries. His ability has been well reported by media following his numerous shows in Shanghai .He develops his talent through communication with masters from Europe and America such as Wynton.Masalis, and the Manhattan Jazz Quintet.

Huang Jianyi

Pianist/composer Huang Jian Yi has been a music educator and Art Director at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, where he also received Bachelor’s degree in Piano Performance.  He founded the Footprints Jazz Band in 1999, one of the first modern Chinese jazz groups in Shanghai.  He has studied jazz piano at the Berklee College of Music with such greats as Paul Schmeling, Ray Santisi, Joanne Brackeen, Laszlo Gardony and Joe Lovano.  Currently, he is completing his Master’s degree in Jazz Performance at Rutgers University, where he is studying with Stanley Cowell, Victor Lewis, Ralph Bowen and Conrad Herwig.  He has performed in New York’s Blue Note club, as well as most recently at the Montreal Jazz Festival with the Possicobilities Band.

Mark Bai

Mark Bai
“Really nice music…! The writing is thoughtful and full of surprises, as is his playing…”   – Bob Mintzer
The son of a renowned opera singer, Mark Bai, is making a compelling impression about China’s exploding contemporary jazz scene. His playing and writing exhibits maturity, sophistication, and subtlety. He began studying classical piano at age of six.  He continued studies at the Nanjing Arts Institute where he majored in classical composition. He moved to Shanghai in 2005, and was soon collaborating with both local and foreign talents.