时间地点:10:30PM,2011年3月3日,JZ Club
9:00PM, 2011年3月3日,Wooden Box
门票: 免费入场
预订:64310269(JZ Club), 521312965(Wooden Box)
最好的爵士四重奏( EJ Parker, Alex Weissler, Jay Lasry和 Sean Higgins)加上最放克的饶舌( Amine El Filali and Gauthier Roubichou)将在3月份带来两场精彩演出,3月3日在JZ酒吧,3月12日在Wooden Box Cafe。
融合了爵士和嘻哈的原创歌曲, 纽约、地下、粗旷和尖锐风格。 准备好为我们尖叫吧!这将是最好的夜晚,一定要来啊,我们一起跳舞一起欢乐!
The best jazz trio in town (EJ Parker, Alex Weissler and Sean Higgins) with the funkiest rap MC’s around: (Amine El Filali and Gauthier Roubichou) will give their passion on March 3rd in JZ club and March 12th in Wooden Box cafe.
It will be New york style, underground, rough and sharp, and it starts thursday 3rd March!
There will be original songs, hiphop covers and jazz standarts all nicely tangled up for your ears sound system exclusively!
For the best night out in town, make sure you come to us, we’ll take care of the groove!